Stefan Junestrand holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden and is considered a leading international expert and speaker in the areas of Smart Cities, Intelligent Buildings, Sustainability and Blockchain.
CEO & Co-Founder: Junestrand is the CEO and co-founder of Grupo Tecma Red, Spain’s leading Media Company in the areas of Sustainability, Energy and New Technologies for Buildings and Cities. Grupo Tecma Red publish five daily B2B Portals and organize four yearly Congresses about Sustainable Building, Intelligent Buildings, Energy Efficiency, Smart Grids and Smart Cities.
Speaker: Stefan Junestrand is a frequent Speaker and Moderator at Conferences and Events related to Blockchain, Smart Cities, Intelligent Buildings, Smart Energy and Sustainability. Lately, he has been an invited speaker in Columbia, Qatar, Ukraine, The Netherlands, Spain, India, Slovakia, etc.
Teacher: Stefan is a teacher and lecturer at a large number of Masters and Courses at different Universities and currently also Adjunct Professor in the “Master in Strategic Design of Spaces” at the IE School of Architecture and Design taking place in London, United Kingdom and Madrid, Spain.
Research & Writer: Stefan Junestrand has a wide experience in Research and Development, he has written several books and published more than a dozen scientific papers.
Stefan Junestrand is a member of the “EU Blockchain Observatory” and a main contributor to the forthcoming United Nations / ITU “Blockchain 4 Cities” report.
Stefan is Swedish but lives in Madrid (Spain) since 20 years. He speaks fluent and English, Spanish and Swedish. For requests to speak at conferences and other events please use the contact information.